Wednesday, December 31, 2008







Friday, December 26, 2008

London Eye 摩天轮

这几天报纸大事报道新加坡摩天轮发生故障的新闻,让我想起了在伦敦时,我乘上著名的London Eye摩天轮,在高空上观赏伦敦市风景时的突发事件。。。



由于注意力都放到地面上突发的救人事件去了,我们因此错过了一些美景。。。虽然如此,这可是很难得的机会,相信不是每个人都有机会在高空上,尤其是在London Eye里看到这样的情景吧!这算不算是弥补了我们错过的美景呢?!

Saturday, December 20, 2008


几天前由于赶时间而急着走进书店买几本厚皮单线簿,在泊好车子后,一下车竟然一脚 (右脚) 踩到了泊车位旁石墩上不知哪家供奉的一支香。被我这么的一踩,香倒了下来。我扶正了香,心里默默地道歉,希望大人有大量,不计小人过。。。我真的不是故意的嘛。。。




Saturday, December 13, 2008

The night still young... ...


在夜深人静的时候,在小瓜的鼻鼾声陪伴下,喝了些毫不醉人的酒,再尝尝巧克力,顿时觉得The night still young。。。

Thursday, December 11, 2008





Tuesday, December 9, 2008




再来就是租车方面出了一点问题,由于在吉打港口时就知悉小岛上大部分的租车公司已没有自动牙的汽车出租了,我们就在吉打港口向中间人订了一台自动牙的汽车,费用当然比较贵。抵达时,就一直用电话联络有关负责人,谁知花了半个多小时还是找不到那位负责人,我们赶忙向其他的租车公司询问,果然真的是没有了自动牙的车子了。就在我们决定订下另一部手牙车子时,那位负责人竟然出现了。车子就在我们面前。他说这是全岛最后一辆自动牙的出租车了,若我们不要的话,还有很多人争着要。我们当然要了它。其实驾惯了自动牙车子,在这人地生疏的地方,当然是要回自动牙的车子啊!安全为上嘛!后来才发现这辆全岛最后的自动牙车子其实tinted film已损坏了,驾驶时视线并不好,晴天还好,夜间或雨天驾驶时还蛮危险的,也只好小心驾驶了。幸好我们只是租用24小时而已。





和先生及朋友乘着假期回乡时,顺路到美罗一家餐馆去吃鸭腿面,原本是在享受美食,正吃得起劲时,却让一个实在是没有文化教养的八婆泼妇给破坏了食欲。 由于人潮太多,有一家老少大约五人的家庭和另一位面带慈祥的老妇人,就一直站在我们旁边等我们的桌位。因为霸桌位的问题,那家老少大约五人里有位有着一脸面相学里典型的尖酸刻薄的妇女和这位老妇人起了小争执,在争吵是谁先看到/先等我们这一桌的,弄得我们都挺尴尬的。

不久,先生吃完了鸭腿面就去买单。那家老少大约五人里的小男孩就马上坐了下来,我和友人看了看他,没说什么,继续吃我们的鸭腿面。可是,问题来了,他不断地用脚朝我的右脚踢,一下,两下。。。我看着他,他毫无一丝羞惭之心。而且在望着我的当时,他竟然再多踢两下。我看了看自己的右脚,竟然瘀青了。(可见他是多么用力地在踢我的脚,希望我受不了而快速离开,这样他们全家就可以坐下来享受美食了。) 我就对他:“嘿!嘿!”了两声,他的家人马上对他说:“既然人家不喜欢你坐下,你就起来。。。” 我对他的家人说:“不是不给他坐下来,而是他一直在踢我的脚。” 男孩的祖母就说:“你是大人,不要和一个小孩计较嘛。。。他是小孩,你是大人。。。你这样计较的啊。。。” 好像是我的错似的。我就对她说:“这是基本的礼貌,不是计较。”

泼妇骂街的好戏来了,小男孩那面相学里典型的尖酸刻薄的妈妈出场了,她又推又打那小男孩的头,对着隔壁几桌唱起苦情戏来了。。。她说:“不是每个大人都是那么大量的,既然她的美腿受伤了,你就大大声地对她说对不起,要大声到让这里的人全部听到。。。以为自己有位子吃碗鸭腿面就了不起。。。吃面罢了嘛,有什么了不起。。。既然人家不喜欢你踢她的美腿,你一定要对她说对不起,这样我才会sayang你。。。快说,快说。人家的美腿受伤了,很大件事的,你还不跟人家说对不起。。。你一定要说,她心里才会好过,人家的美腿很重要的。你说不说,你不跟她说对不起,我就不sayang你。。。” (唉,人间悲歌啊!)

那小男孩一直都低下头来,不敢看我们。他身边的其他家人也很不好意思地望着我们。我对小男孩的祖母说:“不用这么做,我受不起。” 老人家也很无奈地对我苦笑。小男孩的妈妈还是在一旁继续骂街,越骂越大声。。。身旁那几桌的人都不敢抬头望她,全都低下头,假装吃面,好像大家都得罪了她似的。。。真是城门失火,殃及鱼池!



Thursday, December 4, 2008





品牌的信用和售后服务 Moving Backward。。。

不幸和某家著名国际品牌的汽车制造商在我国的总公司及其旗下的维修公司卷入了长达几个月(13/09/2008 至今)的争执和纠纷,因为有关维修公司的大意和疏忽,导致我那两个月车龄的车子受到莫名损坏,有关公司(总公司和维修公司)的售后顾客服务部门负责人不但不认真解决问题甚至还把责任推卸到底。在 我多番交涉下,仍然无法得到圆满解决方案,对于他们的那副讨人厌的嘴脸和不负责任的态度实在是忍无可忍和气愤万分。至今,我还在承受着他们带给我的所有损 失和痛苦。。。而他们却毫无任何的feel sorry。。。


- This regular service was intended to maintain the mentioned vehicle in good condition and performance. But unfortunately, the vehicle was not being well maintained and had caused more unidentified damages. The incident had caused us in an inconvenience condition, unexpected problems and also endangering our safety as drivers and passengers. The errant Service Centre had put my family members, my friends and me (as drivers and passengers) on dangerous ground if an accident happened due to this incident.

- I will stand firm to my position that no repairing, replacement, altering or rectification works etc to be carried out until a written report proposal is given with my concern and agreement. I think it is a simple and clear point for your Customer Service Team to resolve the problem.

- Mr. xxxxxxxxx said I can always send back the vehicle to the service centre during this three years warranty period due to this incident. This kept me wondering why I should buy a xxxxxx brand new car which I need to send for frequent service during this 3 years warranty period.

- Actually “what I am expecting from xxxxxx?” is a good question raised by your good staffs. Since this incident, xxxxxx should be the appropriate party to give me the best answer. Constant ‘apologies’ and questioning me ‘what I am expecting from xxxxxx’ do not solve this issue at all.

- I want to clarify that I am not begging you xxxxxx for mercy, but what I want is the genuine truth and responsibility from xxxxxx in this incident and as what xxxxxx had advertised to the public and acclaimed for its quality service to her consumer.

- We were off for our vacation for 2 weeks, we thought that they would utilize the two (2) weeks time to perform a thorough check-up on my vehicle and compiled a report for further discussion when we get back. But unfortunately, one of them had insulted my husband and I indirectly by saying “May be you don’t have any secure place better than our service centre to keep your vehicle, you can put here until you come back from overseas. Your vehicle would not disappear; nobody will steal your vehicle. We have the best security guard and fencing to protect it’’. My husband had corrected him by saying that: “if I don’t have the secure car park for my vehicle, I wouldn’t’ have bought any vehicle and I am not the person who you thinking of.”

- Two (2) weeks is far more enough for your service center to perform check-up and revert to me with a report on the said vehicle. Instead of settling this case concurrently, your representative kept talking about the unconstructive statement. Furthermore, I was asking him why we had to follow up the case closely by calling the customer service representative but not the other way round. He asked me to be ‘act more professional’. We were extremely fed-up and really hopeless toward your so-called professional customer service representative.

- I have a strong feeling that your Customer Sevice Team practices the "Three Wise Monkeys' (Mizaru, Kikazaru and Iwazaru) Principle:" See No Evil, Hear No Evil and Speak No Evil.". Besides, they also practice a Fourth Monkey (Shizaru) Principle:"Do No Evil". They just want to see the nice picture or good things, listen to the good news, talking nonsense and with the hope that the mistakes / problem will just go away or resolved naturally. They do not want to see the bad things, listen to the bad news and never take the problem or customer’s complaint seriously. And, the most important is better not to be involved in a situation and missing all the point of what the customer highlighted. The frequent corresponding letters after my complaint carries no merit and has no positive effort to resolve this issue.

- It’s time to give serious consideration to this matter. If it is still have no constructive results from your goodself, be prepared to receive my massage “what I am expecting from xxxxxx” thru the relevant authorities, the press and media, etc. I will reserve all rights to initiate legal action against you without any further notice.

- With reference to your recent letter which mentioned that “as we have communicated to you” should be rephrased to “as what we had decided on behalf of you” because you are doing ‘one way communication’ - you had make the ultimate decision without taking your customer’s consideration and agreement.

- With regards to the issue of “pending my consent”; in fact of you have acted on my behalf without my personal agreement, but you are trying to push the responsibility to me in order to cover your mistakes. (Please bear in mind that you have already breach our agreement by doing rectification works without having me informed and please do not ever use the phrase ’pending my consent’ as an excuse to cover your mistakes repeatedly.)

- Your xxxxx representative kept shrieking away all responsibility with phrases like: “has been pending your consent since September 2008” and “seek your kind understanding and co-operation for us to perform the rectification without any further delay”. I need a strong clarification from you: “Who is the one pending and delaying the rectification works” and “who should be more understanding and co-operative in this case”?! Please do not push any more burden & mistakes to us with this kind of irresponsibility attitude and excuse. Take note on my advice, you should revamp your customer service team and learn how to be more “professional” because they are representing xxxxxx, a global brand name, and to live uphold the image, expectation and quality service. The ability to 'listen' and understanding to your customer is utmost fundamental and essential in role of customer service.

- I found out that your customer service representative always “twist and turn” by manipulating with words and ‘empty promises’ in handling my case. Your xxxxxx representative have been deceiving my husband and I by giving empty promises and false statement in order to sweep-off the case easily and last but not least to let this issue resolve naturally.

- I were very surprised to see the mentioned vehicle still in a bad condition and had queried Mr. xxxxxxxxx, (Service Centre), for some answers.One of our question was: “Will the problem of the paint peeling off affect the rust proofing and how are you going to sent my vehicle for re-spraying works when the vehicle is still in such condition?” His answered in a corky way saying: “Don’t worry, this only happened at chassis area and it won’t destroy the antirust whether the re-spraying works to be done or not. If you are worried about that we can re-do the antirust to your satisfaction. Our professional technician will drive your vehicle all the way to and from xxxxxxx for the re-spraying works.” (I was disagreed and confused with his statement and raised those questions again to Mr. xxxxxxx. The answers from Mr. xxxxxxx (HQ), “This doesn’t relate to the antirust. This is normally what we do for re-praying works”) I was totally disagreed and even more confused when receiving your letter which mentioned the re-spraying works of the front right-hand side chassis area.

- May be my vehicle is just another ‘Kampung Car’ as what your staff who handled the return of the courtesy car described. If xxxxxx xxxx is considered by your staff as “Kampung Car”, then what xxxxxx xxxxxx should be categorized??? Then xxxxxx should not launch such car if it’s not within your luxury benchmark which reserves a ‘quality’ service from your customer service team.

- There should not be any official record for the particular discussion on the car issues which strictly without any prejudice. There should not have any irrelevant correspondence with regards to that day’s ad-hoc meeting. Unfortunately, you had quoted our words out of the context so as to mislead people about the real truth of the conversation.

- I am thinking ‘What is so costly about on that report? Was it the amount spent on the checking or the truth of their silly blunder which is even more costly after knowing the consequences?’ May be there are no any detail report had been done so far (just an assumption, may be incomplete) or there are some hidden agenda and defects cannot be shown.

- It seems only a tactic to ‘comfort’ me and use a subterfuge to gain the compromise.

- Why your xxxxxx representatives did not stand firm with the context that what they kept saying earlier “Your car is in “perfect condition and as good as new car”?! This was because your good staffs had personally saw, touched and felt the infected parts of the vehicle; internally and externally still in “oily, greasy and stain spot all over” condition even after another round of car cleaning works without my consent (before 3rd November 2008). This is a undeniable fact that the mentioned vehicle is not in good condition even few round of cleaning works had been done. It’s been also the reason of why you had “twisted” and conclude with a statement to “We would like to inform that your xxxxxx xxxxx is in roadworthy condition”. Are you making a conclusion that all the brand new xxxxxx vehicles are only at ‘roadworthy condition’ without any basic values? Literally, It seems that indirectly your xxxxxx representative have been telling lies by giving false assurances to me that my vehicle in perfect condition and as a brand new car.

- After all that chain of events and horrendous experience with your customer representatives which had me dragged for period of more than two (2) months, you have finally concluded me with a letter stating that my car is “only Roadworthy Condition vehicle” and decided to return it to me with all unidentified defects. For my simple understanding of ‘Roadworthy Condition’ vehicle can be meant by any vehicle running on the road but might not in perfect or good condition. For example; a 15 year-old car or a second hand car which is still able to be driven on the road can be regarded as in ‘roadworthy condition’ but might not in a ‘good / perfect’ condition as the brand new car is. From what you had mentioned in your letter that my vehicle is in ‘roadworthy condition’, does it meant my vehicle = 15 years car / second-hand car??? For you information, I purchased a brand new xxxxxx vehicle and not a second-hand xxxxxx vehicle and it should be in tip-top performance as expected for a brand new vehicle but not in ‘roadworthy condition’!

- You indirectly conveying a message to your customer that ‘Please send your brand new xxxxxx vehicle to xxxxxx Service Centre at your own risk!!!?’ Realizing this, you should have made an open announcement publicly, a warning sign to all your new future customers to be cautious before purchasing a new xxxxxx vehicle! It would be fair for them to know that the new purchases are bundled with a host of ‘horrendous’ features and surprises… with bonus of a ‘professional’ customer’s services. At least I would not make my first step into your showroom on purchase an xxxxxx xxxxxx!

- xxxxxx is very protective to its own benefits has no consideration with the customer to achieve a 'win-win' situation. Make no mistake, this is one issue that won't just go away!

- As conclusion from all the chain events and dealings with your so call ‘professional’ Customer Service Team, I only can say that as a customer of xxxxxx, I have to take all the risk and bear the responsibility from the entire mistake made by the xxxxxx staff.


- ‘A simple mistake can kill people, and the action of covering one’s mistake by making another is unforgivable’

- “得黄金百斤,不如季布一诺。品牌的信用重于一切。讲信用,守契约,才有事业和财运长久的可能!市场将证明,最终决定销路的不是广告,而是消费者的评价!务请三思!

- * Personally I would like to strongly recommend you to have a quick glance through many other xxxxxx owners via the internet web pages to see how the representatives of xxx xxxxxx xxxxx Sdn Bhd had caused so much inconveniences and damages to the Malaysian owners.

心中可爱美好的London Bridge。。。

London bridge is falling down, falling down... ... 想必大家都很熟悉这首歌谣吧!就让我们来看一看每个人心中的London Bridge到底是长什么样的?

My god! 竟然是那么的。。。 。。。那模样再平凡不过了。。。其实长得好看的是London Tower Bridge, 千万不要搞错了!

把London Bridge列入这次英法行程里主要的观光景点,伦敦的朋友知道了,笑我太天真,什么年代了还搞不清楚London Bridge(伦敦桥)和London Tower Bridge(伦敦塔桥)。真是的!她还说:“就让你自己去看一看,你就会明白,长久以来,到底有 多少人被骗了。。。”

说真的,真面目被揭穿,心中难受不已。。。啊,我心中那可爱美好的London Bridge。。。

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


几年前曾经在美国Florida的Disney World 法国村吃过法国蜗牛(Escargot),那是第一次尝试,觉得美味可口。后来也曾在住家附近某家西餐厅吃过几次,这次去到法国,当然要尝一尝道地的法国蜗牛。不知道是我没有口福还是选错了店,我所吃到的Escargot,无论卖相还是滋味,比起我之前所吃到的,简直是天渊之别。这可苦了我啊!口水就快流成河了,要怎么解馋呢?!只好一回到来,就马上去那家西餐厅吃了一大碟的法国蜗牛,方能解馋。

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

卢浮宫(The Louvre Museum) vs 蒙娜丽莎的微笑 (Mona Lisa)

卢浮宫(The Louvre Museum) 和蒙娜丽莎的微笑(Mona Lisa)是分不开的。凡是到卢浮宫来参观的旅客,都可说是为了一睹蒙娜丽莎的微笑而来的。买票进入卢浮宫后,就会迫不及待的找寻传说中神秘的微笑,而无视其它稀有可贵的精华绘画收藏品了。

终于,来到了二层的德农馆(Denon Wing), 佛罗伦萨富有的丝绸商和政府要員弗朗西斯科·戴尔·吉奥亢多(Francesco del Giocondo)美丽的夫人丽莎·格拉迪尼(Lisa Gherardini) (蒙娜丽莎的意思是丽莎夫人)已以她那始终如一的庄严温柔的微笑在迎接你的到来,可你还要冲出重围,才能和她相视而笑啊!来看她的人太多了,把大厅挤得水泄不通的。

一幅不过只高77cm, 宽55cm的木板油画,以渐渐消融在远方的阿尔诺山风景为背景,竟是那么地激发着公众和历史学家的好奇心,更是幅不朽的达文西薄雾法描绘的代表作。

西方电影达文西密码已风靡全球,还掀起一股有关卢浮宫和蒙娜丽莎的微笑的热潮,而你是否知道卢浮宫里的至宝 - 蒙娜丽莎的微笑又称为拉·若孔德或拉·吉奥亢多(La Gioconda, 意大利语指无忧无虑的妇人)呢?!

香榭丽舍大道(Champs-Elysees) 的LV总舰店。。。

在还没去巴黎Champs-Elysees的LV总舰店之前,以为她的售货员都像巴生谷一带较有规模的购物广场或名牌专卖店的售货员一样难搞,对于我们这种不是满身名牌的来者,一律给予有色招待。 谁知,情形恰恰相反,他们热情招待亚裔人士,原来黄皮肤,黑头发的亚裔人士竟然才是他们的大客户! 据说,亚裔人士在店里一次过六,七千欧元的消费并非鲜有的事,尤以日本人,印尼华侨和中国人为是。

该怎么形容他们给予的服务呢?! 总之,诺大的店里头,由专业的售货员陪着你慢慢地看,慢慢地选,直到满意了才买;看不上眼,没关系,一样有最好的招待。 说真的,LV 这时装界举足轻重的龙头都能给予每位到来的客户热情的招待和提供一流的服务,消不消费是其次。 反观国内那些自以为是, 本末倒置的售货员, 看到了这种情形,是否除了惭愧汗颜外,更应该要好好地自我反省,最好是关闭在家,面壁思过,要不然,除了昧着良心领薪水, 更不明白尊重客户, 服务至上才是售货员的基本任务。

Monday, December 1, 2008

凯旋门( Arch of Triumph) 的感动和惊叹。。。

有位去过巴黎的朋友告诉我,此生能够看到凯旋门( Arch of Triumph), 死不足惜矣,她说那种惊叹和感动不是一般人所能理解的, 唯有亲临其境者方能体会。也因为如此,我对凯旋门抱了好大的希望,发誓若到了巴黎而不到凯旋门就不是好娘子!

在连续三,四天强风暴雨不止的巴黎市, 从埃菲尔铁塔到卢浮宫, 再到Champs-Elysees(香榭丽舍大道); 从风和日丽到乌云满天再到冰雹暴雨, 就那么的随性, 随意地乱逛了大半天. 最后在暮色里, 冒着大风雨赶到了凯旋门,站在马路对面遥望它,心里不油然地有股说不出的失望,拿破仑时代威风凛凛的样貌和风范到哪里去了?感动和惊叹呢?为何我无法感受到?!在寒风的吹拂下,花尽几个小时在四围欣赏,我还是觉得那只不过是一扇我不知道该怎么形容的门。。。



这是巴黎市的特有泊车方式. 巴黎市民必须如此泊车,不管新车还是旧车,车头车尾一定是“花绿”的, 不晓得车主会否因此而心痛?! 可除了心痛又能做些什么, 顶多是为自己的坐架前后加些车灯防护铁。在寸土是金的巴黎, 这是驾车人士首先必须要能接受的事实. 虽然很无奈, 却得接受 - 如此特别的泊车方式。。。

Saturday, November 29, 2008


坦白说在被偷之前,对于你,我没有像疼爱J 那样地疼爱你,毕竟你打从来到家里的那一刻起,你的hyperactive 和不断地破坏我辛辛苦苦种植的香茅,辣椒,香草,洛神花 等等,让我气愤不已,尤其是我最喜爱的铁钉花,那是我到处收集而来的各类铁钉花,有些还是很难才采集到的种类,是深山里野生的。你却总是天天都让我有莫大的“惊喜”,对着你的杰作,想要狠狠的教训你,你却像立下大功劳般, 总是一脸无辜地望着我,等着我给你打赏。。。最终,我就只有对着你的杰作叹气。。。在这样子的情形下,我又怎会喜爱你呢?!

你被偷走后,我告诉自己若成功把你找回来,一定要好好的疼一疼你。 之前的偏心,让我内疚不已。。。 还好,两个月后你终于回来了。虽说花了不少的金钱和时间才把你找回来,但那是我应尽的责任, 我也改变了对你的态度。 至今一直都还无法忘怀,寻获你的那一天,你那历尽风霜的可怜模样。

后来因为一时的大意,竟然让你怀了孕。 没想到怀孕后的你竟然改变了。 你变得斯文,温柔, 不再顽皮和随意破坏东西了。 不知道为什么,我常常觉得怀孕后的你是伟大的。生下小狗后,你的身体状况不是那么的理想,尤其是尿管发炎,必须接受长达一个月的治疗,打针吃药的,让你吃尽了苦头。所以后来,我决定为你做结扎的手术, 让你不必再受苦。

还记得,你是在母亲节当天生下小狗的。 二女四男。你是那么地尽力照顾小狗,让我们放心地把小狗交回给你看顾。在这之前,你的契爷(兽医)和我最担心的是你那么的调皮和不定性, 破坏性又强,哪里晓得看顾孩子呢?!还好,你都做得很称职。最令我感动的是,母亲节前那几天,我身在外坡。临走前对你说若你要生小狗,无论如何都要等我在母亲节那天回来才可以生,不然没有人帮你看顾小狗,会出事情的。 没想到你竟然明白我对你说的话,你真的做到了。就在母亲节当天我抵达家门的半小时后,你分娩了。 看着你为孩子忙进忙出的,一点都不马虎,和平日的你完全不同, 我们都被你那伟大的母爱感动了!

如今,你一改以往的调皮, 捣蛋和破坏的作风,日渐成熟和定性,只是你还是像以往那样,还是喜欢乱吠一场,不管是因为有陌生人经过还是因为你的“狗眼”,总爱对着路过行人, 电单车和脚车骑士乱吠一场。 这点,我总是拿你没办法啊。。。 可你不吠的时候,那种“寂静”会让我觉得很没有安全感,深怕又来了偷狗贼,把你们都偷走了。

自从生了小狗,你越来越漂亮了。还记得你刚来的那个时候,因为老是爱坐在大花盆上一动也不动地看风景,很多人都说你像招财猫。 后来被偷了,两个月后找回来,你变得很“丑”,好不容易把你养成肥肥胖胖的,才称得上比较好看, 你就怀孕生小狗了。 一番折磨后,你逐渐散发出魅力来,越来越漂亮了。。。 由始至终,惟有你那圆圆黑遂的双眼没有任何改变。 其实,不管你是漂亮还是丑得很,你始终是一位称职的好妈妈。

Thursday, November 27, 2008


人人都说巴黎很浪漫, 到处都散发着息息的浪漫情调,身处浪漫的环境,随处可见情侣们相拥接吻,仿佛置身于仙境,没有其他地方比巴黎还要浪漫了。。。 尤其是与你相爱的人牵着手,在埃菲尔铁塔下, 或凯旋门前, 或默默地沿着Champs-Elysees,漫步,闲逛,拥抱或者热吻,浪漫指数更不在话下。。。

如果有那么的一天,你亲临其境,看到了巴黎铁塔和凯旋门, 竟没有传说中的那么浪漫和让你惊叹,你会感觉失望和失落吗?还是你会选择继续相信所谓的人人的说法,坚持巴黎是浪漫的。。。

坦白说,巴黎的天气实在是有点让人觉得讨厌的,情绪化得很,变化得太快,看似晴天,转眼便狂风大起, 下起冰雹或暴雨来, 很是扫兴。。。而雨过天晴的巴黎,一切景物都很清新, 之前的阴霾一扫而空, 又是另一种体验,感觉还蛮不错的,。。。

巴黎,其实还是有待旅人更深一步地去发掘,去了解她。 可浪不浪漫就因人而异了。

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


我不知道你们会陪我到什么时候,至少我知道你们很讨我的喜爱,给我的生活带来很多乐趣, 相处时的一切都很温馨,很窝心。。。

虽然,有时你们真的是很顽皮,很淘气,甚至是家里的破坏王,我更成为你们的狗奴才,被迫为你们收拾那惨不忍睹的局面。。。 我依然会保护你们,疼爱你们,直到你们离去的那一天。。。我疼爱的J J J & T, 还有那已离队的J和A.

你们幸福吗?邻居x太说你们比她的孩子还要幸福。 对你们来说,这样子的生活,算不算幸福。。。 我不晓得。。。我只有尽力而为。

如果有那么的一天,你们都被逼离我而去,那一定是一件很无奈, 很悲伤的事,而你们会像A那样来我梦里向我道别吗?!偷狗贼真是可恶,可恨得很, 让我代你们诅咒他们这一辈子绝没有好日子过, 好吗? A 和 J J 吃过偷狗贼的苦,流浪生活并不好过, 我四处寻找他们的日子也很难受, 至今还连累你们每晚受尽“夜禁”生活的痛苦, 从来没有被关在狗笼的JJ, 现在每晚都要被关进狗笼, 失去了夜间在花园里四处悠哉叹风景的机会。。。我何尝不想看到你们快乐地,悠哉地在花园里四处闲逛叹风景, 对你们来说那会是更理想,更幸福的生活,不是吗?!


如果你我不相识, 你却能从我的文章或照片中很清楚地,明确地知道或了解我的真实生活, 我还能有/还会有自己的隐私吗。。。







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